07 Jul 2015

EC Sustainable to conduct first regional public place and recycling study in the Southern Councils Group area

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EC Sustainable has been engaged to conduct a regional public place waste and recycling study for the Southern Councils Group (SCG), in NSW. The SCG members include Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama, Shoalhaven and Wingecarribee Councils.

The public place waste and recycling study will identify opportunities for future waste management including:

– increasing recycling,
– further improving education, and
– developing strategies around the bin systems being used including placement, size, signage, servicing and the types of target materials.

No previous regional studies of the public place bin systems have been conducted in the SCG area. This study will provide the first regional set of detailed data to enhance coordinated regional programs moving forward.

115 bin locations will be surveyed during peak and off-peak periods, with completion by the end of September 2015.


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